Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Epic Browser : The First Indian Browser (Built-In Anti-Virus)

 wel1 Epic Browser : The First Indian Browser (Built In Anti Virus)Guys, it’s our turn now, Confussed????   I’m saying about the the recent achievement of an Indian IT firm, it’s none other than“EPIC BROWSER” launched on 15th july (Thursday).  Yup, a Bangalore based IT firm “Hidden Reflex“ has come up with this concept of ‘Browser for Indians’ on Mozilla Firefox Platform in partnership with several other Big Commercial Giants of India. They have launched Epic browser which has extremely good features and aims at making Indians all over the world proud. Epic, which also happens to be the first entirely Indian made web browser, based on the popular browser platform Mozilla Firefox. A new entrant to highly competitive browser market leading by Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera and comes with quite a bunch of India centric features. Before we look at the details, let’s look at details about Hidden Reflex, the company behind the browser. It’s Named as Epic Browser.
The company was founded by the then U.S. based Engineer Alok Bhardwaj in 2007. However, the company is currently based in Bangalore. They initially had a team of three members and have now grown to quite a bunch of people who are working on two separate products. The first one, Epic, has already been launched. The other one is still in the making.
Internet in India is becoming familiar and closer to people and is used on a very large scale, mind you many India students were now crazy about Internet and are settling in the web based jobs. Thousands of people today are accessing internet in India for variant purposes like Education, Entertainment, Blogging, Jobs etc. But India being a multilingual country, with people speaking different languages in different parts of India, so Epic is surely going to be a very useful browser for the Indian users especially.
Presently 3 browsers were leading in the race and are fighting for the No1 place i.e. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, its not going to be easy to participate in the competition with these browsers. The best example is Maxthon browser which is released for giving competition for these 3 giants. We can consider the Maxthon as a best example which has gained huge popularity in China, but till now it remains unknown to most in major parts of the world.

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